The daydream video project was both a lot more work and a lot more fun than I initially expected.
I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone on this one as video and animation is not a medium I have ever even touched before. I definitely enjoyed animation once I got into the swing of it and I really wish I had had time to expand my ideas further. It is definitely something I will try and get into more in the future.
The video aspect was my least favorite part and I feel like it showed. I definitely could have tried a little harder to create a cohesive story than I did.
I do however feel like the more meta aspect of my story added a lot to my final product that wasn't there originally. Overall, I'm proud of my final results especially as it is a form of visual media I have never been interested in trying before and I think I gained a little bit of confidence in my ability to try new things from this project.
I was also lucky to be blessed with an attractive costar who I think really stole the show from me. She was a very good sport and I honestly think may have a real future in Hollywood.
A lot of the feedback I received was that my project was confusing and the animations were kind of terrifying, which I do consider a success because that was my goal. I think art should never hand you the answers and any piece that you understand the first time you see it did not properly do its job. Art is supposed to make you think and if you're too lazy to think maybe go watch a The Avengers or something.